Welcome to

The Reloved Project

"Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within ​you that is your true home."

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Growing plant in hand line art

The term ‘Reloved’ holds a few interpretations. It is our soul’s return to love... recognising that we are inherently enough, ​worthy and loveable as we are. It is also a gentle reminder to remember the love we have for ourselves and all things- to ​appreciate our interconnectedness and collective unity. This loving remembrance, the rekindling of the unconditional love ​that resides within us, is the essence of the reloved journey.

The Reloved Project is thus an open-hearted invitation to return home to the self. It is a deeply personal voyage of self-​discovery, self-love, and inner transformation; a path that encourages us to fall back in love with ourselves, find a deep sense ​of belonging within our own hearts and rediscover the truth of who we are.

My Story

cute heart with flower

Hello! My name is Alicia and I am a holistic wellness practitioner. My journey to reloving myself ​started in my early teens when my tumultuous and traumatic upbringing left me crippled with ​various mental health conditions. I was filled with self-loathing and didn’t know if I would ever ​find relief from my suffering. Needless to say, my journey has been a long and challenging one.

Finding redemption amidst my pain and isolation is what inspired me to start The Reloved ​Project. Learning to relove myself saved my life and gave me a newfound perspective and hope ​for the future. I firmly believe these difficult experiences deepened my capacity for empathy, ​strengthened my spirit, and prepared me to serve others. My intention is to touch people’s ​hearts with my work and spread light and healing to those who need it.


Holistic Massage

Facial massage

A therapeutic massage tailored to ​your needs. Combines techniques ​such as Swedish, deep tissue, and ​lymphatic drainage to promote ​relaxation, relieve muscle ​tension, improve circulation, and ​restore harmony and balance to ​the body. Sessions take place in ​London, either at your preferred ​location or in my treatment room.

£55/hr or £77/90 minutes


Brain Line Art

A powerful modality to reprogram ​the subconscious mind and ​transform limiting beliefs, enabling ​you to break free from old ​patterns and experience rapid ​personal growth and healing. It is ​endorsed by prominent figures in ​the spiritual community, such as ​Bruce Lipton and Louise Hay. ​Remote sessions available for ​international clients.

£55/hr o​r £77/90 minutes

Life Coaching

Tree Nature Plant Line Art

My aim is to create a nurturing ​environment where you can ​freely explore your authentic ​self and reconnect with your ​inner guidance. Often, clarity ​arises effortlessly in a safe ​space where we can untangle ​our thoughts and emotions, and ​allow them them to naturally fall ​into alignment.

£55/hr or​ £77/90 minutes

Flying Blow Dandelion Flower Sketch Outline Illustration
Hands Holding a Heart

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Thank you for taking the time to stop by The Reloved ​Project. If our message resonates with you, I would love ​to connect and stay in touch. I hope that as our ​community grows, we can contribute to a more ​compassionate and harmonious world.

- Alicia x





Rose Flower Sketch Line

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